No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing Sample Clauses

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. This Settlement Agreement and the negotiations and discussions leading up to this Settlement Agreement effect the settlement of claims which are denied and contested, and do not constitute, nor shall they be construed as, an admission of liability by the Parties. This Settlement Agreement is made solely for the purpose of avoiding the burden and expense of litigation, which would be imposed on the Parties if the disputes between them remained unsettled. This Settlement Agreement does not constitute an admission by any of the Parties hereto that they have engaged in any unlawful act. Each of the Parties hereto expressly deny that they have engaged in any unlawful act and deny liability for all claims any other Party had, has, or may have against them.

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No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. This Agreement reflects the Parties’ compromise and resolution of disputed claims. Its constituent provisions, and any and all drafts, communications, and discussions relating thereto, shall not be construed as or deemed to be evidence of an admission or concession of any point of fact or law (including, but not limited to, matters respecting class certification) by any person, including Defendants, and shall not be offered or received in evidence or requested in discovery in this Action or any other action or proceeding as evidence of an admission or concession. Defendants have denied and continue to deny each of the claims and contentions alleged by Plaintiffs in the Action. Defendants have repeatedly asserted and continue to assert defenses thereto, and have expressly denied and continue to deny any wrongdoing or legal liability arising out of any of the facts or conduct alleged in the Action.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. The Executive acknowledges that this Waiver and Release is entered into solely for the purpose of ending his employment relationship with the Union Affiliates on an amicable basis and shall not be construed as an admission of liability or wrongdoing by the Executive or the Bank or other Union Affiliate.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. Both Parties to this Agreement agree that its existence and payments are not an admission of any wrongdoing, unlawful conduct or liability by either Party and both Parties agree not to assert that this Agreement is an admission of wrongdoing or liability. The Parties agree that this Agreement is a compromise and settlement of claims.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. 12.1. The Parties covenant and agree that neither this Stipulation, nor the fact nor any terms of the Settlement, nor any communication relating thereto, nor the Supplemental Agreement, is evidence, or an admission, presumption or concession by any Party, or their counsel, any Settlement Class Member, or any of the Released Parties, of any fault, liability or wrongdoing whatsoever, as to any facts or claims alleged or that have been or could have been asserted in the Action, or in any other actions or proceedings, or as to the validity or merit of any of the claims or defenses alleged or that have been or could have been asserted in any such action or proceeding. This Stipulation is not a finding or evidence of the validity or invalidity of any claims or defenses in the Action, any wrongdoing by any Party, Settlement Class Member, or any of the Released Parties, or any damages or injury to any Settling Party, Settlement Class Member, or any Released Parties. The Parties acknowledge that Defendants make no admission of fault, liability, or wrongdoing.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. This Agreement does not constitute an admission by the Company or Executive of any violation of federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation or of any violation of the Company's policies or procedures or of any liability or wrongdoing whatsoever. Neither this Agreement nor anything in this Agreement shall be construed to be or shall be admissible in any proceeding as evidence of liability or wrongdoing by the Company or Executive. This Agreement may be introduced, however, in any proceeding to enforce the Agreement. Such introduction shall be pursuant to an order protecting its confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. This Settlement Agreement and any proceedings taken hereunder are not and shall not in any way be construed as or deemed to be evidence of (i) any admission or concession on the part of any Party of the merits or lack of merits of any claim or counterclaim asserted in the Action or the Rights Plan Action, or (ii) any admission or concession on the part of any Party of any liability or wrongdoing whatsoever, which liability and wrongdoing are hereby expressly denied and disclaimed by each of the Parties.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. The Parties enter into this Agreement to resolve the disputes that have arisen between them and to avoid the burden, expense and risk of continued litigation. In entering into this Agreement, Xxxxxx does not admit, and specifically denies that: it has violated any federal, state, or local law; violated any regulations or guidelines promulgated pursuant to any statute or any other applicable laws, regulations or legal requirements; breached any contract; violated or breached any duty; engaged in any misrepresentation or deception; or engaged in any other unlawful conduct with respect to its employees or operations. Neither this Agreement, nor any of its terms or provisions, nor any of the negotiations connected with it, shall be construed as an admission or concession by Xxxxxx of any such violation(s) or failure(s) to comply with any applicable law. Except as necessary in a proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement and its terms and provisions shall not be offered or received as evidence in any action or proceeding to establish any liability or admission on the part of Xxxxxx or to establish the existence of any condition constituting a violation of, or noncompliance with, federal, state, local or other applicable law. The Parties intend this Settlement to be contingent upon the preliminary and final approval of this Agreement; and the Parties do not waive, and instead expressly reserve, their respective rights to prosecute and defend this Action as if this Agreement never existed in the event that the Settlement is not fully and finally approved as set forth herein.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. The Parties have resolved the Action on a mutually agreeable basis after extensive arms-length negotiations, with no concession, acknowledgment or admission whatsoever of liability or wrongdoing of any kind by Xxxxxx. Nothing in the fact or principal terms of settlement, the settlement proceedings, the settlement negotiations, this Agreement or any stipulation to or certification of the Settlement Class shall constitute or be used as an admission of any act or omission, liability or wrongdoing of any kind by Grande, or be used or offered in any action or proceeding or received in evidence against Grande as an admission, concession, presumption, or inference in any way, in any matter or otherwise, including as an admission of the propriety or feasibility of certifying a class. Xxxxxx expressly denies any and all claims of wrongdoing and denies any and all liability to Plaintiff and the Settlement Class. Any and all discussions, statements, and/or communications of any type between the Parties and their counsel in the course of settlement negotiations shall remain confidential subject to Federal Rule of Evidence 408 and any similar state rule of evidence.

No Admission of Liability or Wrongdoing. This Release will not be used or construed by any person or entity as an admission of liability or finding that Employee's rights were in any way violated by any of the Released Parties, and this Release may not be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding as an admission of liability or wrongdoing on the part of the Company or any other Released Party. Employee understands and agrees that the consideration received herein is accepted by him as full and complete settlement and compromise of any and all claims, asserted or unasserted, and the payment of such consideration is not an admission of liability by the Company.