Nurse Practice Acts Guide and Govern: Update 2017

This continuing education article is an important update of the reasons for and the significance of state nurse practice acts and associated regulations originally published in 2012 (Russell, K. A. [2012]. Nurse practice acts guide and govern nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 3(3), 36–42).

DOI: 10.1016/S2155-8256(17)30156-4 Also available on ScienceDirect Copyright: © 2017 National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Download Full Issue Download started Ok



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The state’s duty to protect those who receive nursing care is the basis for a nursing license. That license is an authorization or permission from state government to practice nursing. The guidelines within the state nurse practice act and the state nursing regulations provide the framework for safe, competent nursing practice. All nurses have a duty to understand their nurse practice act and regulations, and to keep up with ongoing changes as this dynamic document evolves and the scope of practice expands.


  1. Board of nursing
  2. education standards
  3. licensure
  4. nurse practice act
  5. nursing regulation
  6. public protection
  7. scope of practice

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Kathleen A. Russell , JD, MN, RN Affiliations Nursing Regulation, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Chicago, Illinois.

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